Track and Recall Sent Emails:
Security for Gmail: Send encrypted emails that you can track and recall at any time.
Finally, easily send secure attachments to anyone. Add up to 100mb per attachment seamlessly. Best of all: recipients don’t need to have Criptext to read your secure emails. They can read them right from their inbox
Criptext Mail does 3 main things:
- 1) It encrypts your emails and let you send encrypted files.
- 2) It lets you attach a timer to the email and make it disappear after a pre-defined time, from when it was first opened.
- This one is very similar to Snapmail, which we reviewed a few weeks ago.
- 3) It lets you track and recall sent emails.
- This last feature is the most interesting one, and this is how it works;
First, your Gmail account will look a bit different…
At the bottom of every new email you are composing, you’ll find 3 new buttons – Enable, attach and encrypt files and set expiration time.
As you can see in the screenshot below, when you check the enable box, the Gmail “send” button changes to “Send securely”
© 2015 ,Copyright by Bilal Asghar
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